Here's a bunch of artwork by me, a few of my friends, and the fanart I'll someday get (oh! I hope I hope I hope!). All the stuff here is copyright of the respective owners blahdidy blah. You know the drill. You can take my stuff and mail it to friends, keep it for yourself, put it on your page (with proper credit to me, of course) but don't touch the other stuff, it isn't mine, so I don't have the right to distribute it. Fan-art can be mailed to, so send in your stuff already!

Fan Art from fellow Turbocool member A. Tapis, artist of Blatah. Gimmie art to put here. You know you want to.
It's a peice of Aurora fan art from L.A. Sinclair, the artist of The Legend of Chucko Liang. A picture of the hefty yet aluring Farran, By Me, Lauran P.
It's exactly what it looks like, the cheesecake pinup of Aurora I promised. It's a little naughty, so cover the youngin's eyes. My friend Tyler's character Angela darkdragon from Palladium, Drawn by me!
A picture and sketches of a characer I'm working on, Mitsuko the Elementalist. More sketches of the young elementalist, Mitsuko.
The stuff I do in design class when I get bored. These are some images that might be on the site re-vamp I'm planning to do someday. A spiffy sword called the dragon's bane, by Tyler C.
Nightblade the Witch by Tyler C. Kefka, a Palladuim character. Tyler C.
The Shadow Hunter by Tyler C. A little peice called "Ignorance" by Tyler C. Some folks
should learn that angels are tough!
A kick-ass pic of a guy in armour By Tyler C. Shadowrun Garakus, one of the many Garaki in the multiverse. Tyler C.
"The Eastern Fire" by Tyler C. Angela, a palladin in Palladium, by Tyler C.
A really keen piccie of me... God Lauran! By Tyler C. The assassin Kutan Putara and her gargoyle compainion. By Tyler C.
Seradin, an Ironclaw character. Check out his weapons! Tyler C. Angela from Ironclaw. She's also a Palladin, but a little more 'tribal' than her otherself.
Hey Kids! It's the original big-guy, Garakus! Tyler C. A really Keen Picture of Jillas and Sean I did a while ago. By Lauran P.
A sketch of two of the villians in my Ironclaw Campaign. By Lauran P. Just a Sketch I did of a possible villian in my Ironclaw Campaign.
A page of sketches I did of my palladium character Dadain Karo. SD mode versions of a few Ironclaw characters. By Lauran P.
A page of sketches I did of my palladium character Dadain Karo. A page of sketches I did of my palladium character Dadain Karo.
A picture of Dadain with all of the stuff he has... The giant robot is a work in progress though... A picture done for me by a friend, April R. The first piece of art-swap art I've gotten.
A picture of Dadain Karo by Tyler C. Kinda strange to see one's characters done by a friend. A sketch of Tyler's Ironclaw character, Garakus. Done by Lauran P.
A picture of Aurora and Jillas. By Lauran P. Aurora, By April R.

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